19 October 2009

Dynamic ladies -only-

ak x suke dok berjauhan dri family
x leh imagine cam ne nex year
walopon dah form 5,,
huahuahua!!! (<-- cam laen plak bunyik nye~~OHOHOHO!!!)
ape kaitan penulisan ak kat ats nih..?
nah, tgk laa gamba yg ktorg amek dgn bju outing ktorg~~..
(huh,, jgn memain,, pakaian berjename nih..! jename 'PEKERJA KILANG'!!~ ohooiiii~~)
bju ak rosak..ak terslmat!! YEDDAA YEDDAA YEDDAA!!!! takbir!! ALLAHUAKBAR

crazy bunch of kids:)
picture taken way long time ago


dasawarsa ini, smakin byk boyband2 korea yg muncul bak cendawan on the rainy day
why did they choose to debut now?
i mean, with all the competetion,,
i have to say, they are confident enough to think that they can win over fans heart..
though the new boybands are taking all the attention from the media, the 'old' boybands still pulled off the best songs+MVs+performance.
(fuhh,, speaking LONDON!!!~~HOHOHO!!!!)

cenggini criter ntuk kali nih..
smalam ak terjumpe satu lagu dendangan shinee yang sangat MAGNIFICO!!!
ayuh kte lihat;

ohh,, ringdingdong taemin sungguh bergayaa!!!~